What is your "U-diversity"? "U-diversity" is a neologism by Luistar, me…
In 1971 Don Backy composed "Sognando", a difficult song on the theme of mental …
To be clumsy or sloppy, to speak or move in the wrong way, is to be a dangerous giant, a …
It is just a divertissement about a boring state…
https://thewrong.tv/ The Wrong Television is a live streaming video platform, managed as …
quote from The Wrong Biennale: Editor’s Picks by Shira Wolfe …
As a digital art pavillion we ought to open minds to all possiblities of digital art. Thi…
PAQUITA Y TODO LO DEMÁS (2010) from david moncasi on Vimeo . Mind on Screen.…
Welcome To this Digital Art Pavillion