[Virtual Expo] Libri che generano mondi - What are books made of?


Books that Generate Worlds is a generative art exhibition created by artist and programmer Luigi Starace, presented as part of the XX AMACI Day of Contemporary Art and the XX Readers' Festival organized by Presìdi del Libro. This innovative exhibition, hosted on an interactive web platform, explores the relationship between literature and digital art by using algorithms and artificial intelligence to transform literary texts into evocative images.

Each image in the exhibition is generated through a creative process in which Starace employs custom software to "translate" key concepts and atmospheres from some of the most iconic literary works into visual art. In this way, code becomes the tool through which the worlds described in the pages of books come to life visually, offering a unique and immersive aesthetic experience. Visitors, as they navigate through the artworks on the website,

Books that Generate Worlds is a generative art exhibition born from the imagination of visual and generative artist Luigi Starace (Luistar), presented as part of the XX AMACI Day of Contemporary Art and the XX Readers' Festival organized by Presìdi del Libro. Hosted on the UaremyProblem website, the Digital Art Pavilion of The Wrong Biennale, the exhibition explores the relationship between books, narratives, and digital art, blending algorithms and artificial intelligence to transform literary texts into evocative images. In this way, code becomes the tool through which the worlds described in the pages of books visually come to life, offering a unique and immersive aesthetic experience.

Each image in the exhibition is generated through a creative process in which Starace uses custom software to "translate" key concepts and atmospheres from some of the most iconic literary works of our culture into visual representations. The code acts as the medium, bringing the literary worlds to life through vibrant, algorithmically generated forms. Visitors, navigating through the various works on the website, can interact with the images and witness how language and literary narratives influence the shapes, colors, and structures created by the algorithms.

The exhibition's title, Books that Generate Worlds, reflects this continuous interaction between written word and visual art, bridging the gap between reading and observation while offering a fresh perspective on the evocative power of literature. Each image is not just an illustration but an independent world expanding from the original literary text, giving rise to digital landscapes that transform and evolve based on the algorithm's decisions.

In an era of increasing fusion between technology and art, Luigi Starace's exhibition invites the viewer to reflect on the creative potential of artificial intelligence and the limitless possibilities at the intersection of narrative and the digital world.

Libri che generano Mondi è una mostra di arte generativa nata dall'immaginazione dell'artista visivo e generativo Luigi Starace (Luistar), presentata nell'ambito della XX Giornata AMACI del Contemporaneo e della XX Festa dei Lettori organizzata dai Presìdi del Libro. Ospitata sulla piattaforma web UaremyProblem, il Padiglione d’Arte Digitale della Biennale The Wrong, l'esposizione esplora il rapporto tra libri, narrazioni e arte digitale, fondendo algoritmi e intelligenza artificiale per trasformare i testi letterari in immagini evocative. In questo modo, il codice diventa lo strumento attraverso cui i mondi descritti nelle pagine dei libri prendono vita visivamente, offrendo un'esperienza estetica unica e coinvolgente.

Ogni immagine della mostra è generata attraverso un processo creativo in cui Starace utilizza software personalizzati per "tradurre" concetti chiave e atmosfere di alcune delle opere letterarie più iconiche della nostra cultura in rappresentazioni visive. Il codice agisce come un medium che dà vita ai mondi letterari attraverso forme vibranti e generate algoritmicamente. I visitatori, navigando tra le varie opere sul sito, possono interagire con le immagini e osservare come il linguaggio e le narrazioni letterarie influenzino le forme, i colori e le strutture create dagli algoritmi.

Il titolo della mostra, Libri che generano Mondi, riflette questa continua interazione tra parola scritta e arte visiva, creando un ponte tra lettura e osservazione, offrendo una prospettiva nuova sul potere evocativo della letteratura. Ogni immagine non è una semplice illustrazione, ma un mondo indipendente che si espande dal testo letterario originale, dando vita a paesaggi digitali che si trasformano ed evolvono in base alle decisioni dell'algoritmo.

In un'epoca di crescente fusione tra tecnologia e arte, la mostra di Luigi Starace invita lo spettatore a riflettere sul potenziale creativo dell'intelligenza artificiale e sulle infinite possibilità offerte dall'incontro tra narrazione e mondo digitale.

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Uaremyproblem goes to Erasmus's European Projects

Uaremyproblem Digital Art Pavillion of The 6th The Wrong Biennale can be part of Erasmus plus's projects about digital art, new media, visual art, inclusive art, conceptual art parterships. Stigmamente is avaible for Erasmus projects since has italian code accreditation (OID and PIF).  The association "Stigmamente, Art Media and Psychiatry on Stigma and Diversity" was founded as a  volunteer organization in 2005 in collaboration with the Chair of Psychiatry at the University of Foggia and the Department of Mental Health ASLFG2. At the same time, a web portal was created, pending registration with the Court as an online journalistic publication, dedicated to the world of mental health and its social promotion: www.stigmamente.it . The portal was also ranked in the 2007 Sole24ore list in the non-profit/social category. In 2008, Stigmamente became a registered social promotion association with the tax authorities and was later recognized by the MiBAC. It joined the UICC (Ita