F E (DI)2 X A - Fluid Euristic Digital Dispositive for Art by LUISTAR, Italy

Creating generative art involves both technical and conceptual elements. FE((DI)2XA (copyright Luistar 2023) is a conceptual protocol focusing more on the creativity and theconceptual side. It starts by brainstorming ideas and concepts for generative art, considering how the AI engine used manages themes, emotions, narratives, or abstract concepts you want to explore. It also explore visulaly how randomness, algorithms, and emergent behaviors can contribute to expressing your chosen concept.

Phases of the Heuristic Dispositive, version 1.2


Start Research

Defining Parameters

Create Rules or Algorithms

Iteration and Exploration

Evaluation and Refinement

Documentation and Presentation

Continued Exploration and Growth


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Uaremyproblem goes to Erasmus's European Projects

Uaremyproblem Digital Art Pavillion of The 6th The Wrong Biennale can be part of Erasmus plus's projects about digital art, new media, visual art, inclusive art, conceptual art parterships. Stigmamente is avaible for Erasmus projects since has italian code accreditation (OID and PIF).  The association "Stigmamente, Art Media and Psychiatry on Stigma and Diversity" was founded as a  volunteer organization in 2005 in collaboration with the Chair of Psychiatry at the University of Foggia and the Department of Mental Health ASLFG2. At the same time, a web portal was created, pending registration with the Court as an online journalistic publication, dedicated to the world of mental health and its social promotion: www.stigmamente.it . The portal was also ranked in the 2007 Sole24ore list in the non-profit/social category. In 2008, Stigmamente became a registered social promotion association with the tax authorities and was later recognized by the MiBAC. It joined the UICC (Ita