Pensieri a zonzo / Easy Mind by Luistar


To be clumsy or sloppy, to speak or move in the wrong way, is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds. And as every psychotic and every comedian should know, any studiously improper move can tear through the thin veil of immediate reality.

Essere goffo o sciatto, parlare o muoversi in modo sbagliato, significa essere un pericoloso gigante, un distruttore di mondi. E come dovrebbe sapere ogni psicotico e ogni comico, qualsiasi mossa studiatamente impropria può lacerare il velo sottile della realtà immediata.

Erving Goffman

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[video] Aesthetics of complexity in groups

  Revealing the hidden networks of interaction in mobile animal groups allows prediction of complex... Revealing the hidden networks of interaction in mobile animal groups allows prediction of complex behavioral contagion. Sara Brin Rosenthal et al (2015),  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Coordination among social animals requires rapid and efficient transfer of information among individuals, which may depend crucially on the underlying structure of the communication network. Establishing the decision-making circuits and networks that give rise to individual behavior has been a central goal of neuroscience. However, the analogous problem of determining the structure of the communication network among organisms that gives rise to coordinated collective behavior, such as is exhibited by schooling fish and flocking birds, has remained almost entirely neglected. Here, we study collective evasion maneuvers, manifested through rapid waves, or cascades, of behavioral change (